Easy Riders: A Cultural Icon
The Black Pigeon speaks: Adding to this... I've always thought the modern biker culture is essentially a media creation from the days of Hollister to the shitty B rated biker movies of the 50's and 70's. Few culture phenomena are organic in this country. It's all a product. I love motorcycles and owned a few Harley's but the subculture are full of fucking idiots, so much so I sold them. My aunt's husband was in a notorious biker gang in the 70's and he looked like a living B rated biker movie. He was a mean mother-fucker that tried to "go straight." The decision to marry my aunt was against club rules. They tied him to a tree, beat him, left him for dead. He was always threatened from that day forward. Decorated Airforce veteran ruined and dead at 52 from alcoholism and heart disease. I knew someone that joined a club even after I warned him. He caught on quick and had too much of a moral compass and wouldn't do *something.* They kicked him o...