Slavery and Genocide

Whites don't have inherent privilege, wealthy people have privilege. Oprah Winfrey has privilege because of her wealth, she isn't oppressed because she's black.

Slavery has always been in the interest of those with wealth. From the 1600's onward, slavery was a corporate venture. The elite trade in human labor to build capital via labor.

Slavery was a practiced in every human society since time immemorial. Many of those societies could grant freedom to a slave. America's history isn't worse than any other nation. Less than 6% of Americans owned slaves. People overlook that Africans sold their own people into slavery. Romans captured Celtic and Gauls, Islam trafficked slaves as well as Jewish people.

Slavery as an institution in the U.S. was based on labour for the top 6% of wealthy Americans. Most Americans could not afford slaves and could not compete with wealthy land owners who could. Even the founding of the US was a corporate interest of wealthy people who got charters from the Crown. The Virginia and Wilson companies employed religious zealots. The Hudson Bay and East Indies were also companies chartered by the English crown. The majority of trade was spice, tobacco, cotton and fur (for hats). Colonization was in the interest of Corporations and those corporations needed human labour. The Crown supplied military support in all these ventures to protect their interests. Why? They got a cut of the profits, which is the only reason they issued charters. The company owners pitched a business model taking resources from the New World.

The principal merchants and owners of slaves in the new world were Jewish, not European. Most Europeans as a whole abhorred the practice for human and economic reasons. Poor people could not compete with a wealthy class of people who owned slaves.

I would venture to say the principal cause of the U.S. Civil war was based on the Jewish interest of keeping slavery for their economic interests. The Southern War Sectary was Benjamin Judah, a Jew. Ending slavery represented a huge financial loss. They preserved slavery by the practice of sharecropping, which was a debt slavery. Organizations are still practicing human trafficking under the guise of "human rights." They are importing un-uniformed armies to destroy the remaining western financial interests. They aren't hiding this, they are spinning it as a "human interest." 

No, we can't blame Jews exclusively for this. It's a class issue. Wealthy people are conspiring with other wealthy people regardless of race. Traitorous Europeans are supporting it and the corrupt officials they've paid off. Black or white, we are nothing more than cattle to them.

The immigration wave from Europe to the U.S. in the 1800's was completely in the interest of the European financiers. The US needed labour for it's own markets as well as it's export markets. Europeans were trafficked from Europe to the Americas. Most of shipping industry was leveraged to supply the people needed for production. European ship builders could not sustain luxury shipping for tourism alone. There wasn't enough money in it. They moved people and the lower classes paid for their own travel in cargo holds, often borrowing against future wages.

Even the founding of the US was a corporate interest of wealthy people who got charters from the Crown. The Virginia and Wilson companies employed religious zealots. The Hudson Bay and East Indies were also companies chartered by the English crown. The majority of trade was spice, Tobacco, cotton and fur (for hats). Colonization was in the interest of Corporations, those corporations used human labour. The Crown supplied military support in all these ventures.

The British Crown issued charters to people of wealth that formed companies that colonized countries. The Crown shared in those profits. The Crown deployed the military to protect their financial interests. The Crown used their own people to perpetuate these crimes under the threat of imprisonment and punishment. The Crown penalized their own citizens, shipped them across the world to work as indentured servants and formed prison colonies around the world to rid themselves of what they deemed "undesirables."

The Crown and the financial elite are now blaming Europeans for the crimes they committed. They are laying it at your feet rather than taking responsibility for their actions.

Another fact: Most people have no idea Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer that represented Railroads. The railroad industry pushed west, bribed and paid off government officials to gain expansion into the west, the government gave these corporations military support. Genocide is not in the fabric of European people. It is embedded in the fabric of the wealthy. Wealthy people and government have literally rewritten history to lay the blame at the feet of the people they employed and the commoners. The American Indian genocide was in the interest of corporations. 

You've been lied to.


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