The Big Mistake: Trust

There has been no real organic protests that represented anyone's interest in the past 50 years that haven't been co-opted by the establishment. They lead gullible people where they want them and send in teams of agent-provocateurs to destabilize the event and create chaos. Whether you an Occupy, BLM, Antifa or MAGA supporter they've never represented your interests, but still you believe. Why? You're intently focused on a constructed narrative, driven by media personalities that make 6 figure salaries. They and the police will always have jobs.

How does a single Australian Shepherd control a herd of sheep? They are on the perimeter guiding them to the gate the Shepherd want them to go through.

There's very likely well-meaning people on either side. The problem is the road to perdition is paved with good intentions. Both the establishment left and the right share the same goals. Your subjugation and their wealth. You will be living in a technocratic world with no rights, you stand the risk of never being left or right enough. You will constantly be shit tested on your belief via social media data mining. You could fail out of favor by your peers for wrong think and never know what triggered it. Remember, you begged for this like a little bitch.

How do I know this? The U.S. uses the same techniques around the world. My first real world experience with this was when I was a soldier deployed to Panama. The mass demonstration against Manuel Noriega wasn't organic. it' was devised by military intelligence. They printed and posted flyers around Panama City for a public demonstration, there were several versions. They were made to look like your average Panamanian activist made them. Nothing fancy.They looked legit.  My friend in an MI battalion showed me the copies and laughed saying "We made these." It seems incredulous at the time. All this shit has been perfected to a science with the advent of the internet. The fact remains, most people are too fucking lazy to organize without help, The government is there to help.

None of this shit is going to work out for you regardless of which engineered side you take. You and I have been fighting fictitious enemies most of our lives. Trusting the media is the biggest mistake you could possibly make. The media tells you who to hate, who to love, who's good, who's bad. They tell you what to buy, how to think, where to go. You aren't in control of your life, your only meaning in life is consuming products. You will do everything the media tells you to do because the media replaced your parents.

No matter how smart you think you are, the government, media and social media has been crunching numbers, watching trends and creating them for you.  You may be intelligent, but your trust in these institutions will fuck you. You won't be able to see behind the curtain, because they will feed you want you think satiates you. Enjoy what you think is a temporary victory because in the future it's over. I suggest watching any video with Yuri Bezmenov. He was doing this shit before you were born. 

Get out of the Left/Right paradigm.


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