Nature is Fascist
Wolves are predators by nature. There is no morality, they kill to eat. It’s a necessity. They have a strict social hierarchy. The Alpha male and female lead the pack. Their survival strategy is pack cooperation and heavily depends on the pack hierarchy. During the hunt they strategize to attack the weakest member of the herd. Their prey may be weak or old. After the kill, all pack members eat, but conflict can arise if the hierarchy isn’t followed. A younger male may challenge the alpha male before or after the hunt. The pack will always need an alpha, he knows he will be challenged and if he fails the challenge his time as alpha is over. A lone wolf has reduced ability to survive and joining another pack means he will be placed in the hierarchy unless he can successfully defeat the alpha. There is no fairness, he accepts his role or is rejected. He meets the needs of the pack or he remains alone.
It is not in the interest of the pack to attack the strongest in a herd of prey. There is a risk of injury. It isn’t weakness to avoid attacking the strong, it’s a sensible long term strategy to ensure the overall health of the pack. Every hunt is a collective risk. Loss or injury is always present.
If they pack had a philosophy it would be “Alone am I weak, together we are strong.”
The herd’s defense tactic is creating a barrier to protect the young and old. At times they will lose a member of the herd. A loss in a part of their life. They may stave off an attack today, but tomorrow is a different day. A loss will occur, it’s a part of their life.
If the herd had a philosophy, it would be “Alone am I weak, together we are strong.”
A pack of wolves can traverse a large distance within the course of a day. They establish a territory they defend against other packs. They will fight to defend it. Living is a struggle, while they are brothers, they place the interest of their pack first. They will fight to defend their territory. A pack may gain or lose territory depending on their strength. Their ability to hunt ensures their ability to feed the pack. Being well fed ensures they can maintain their territory.
A herd will also have its territory. It moves to new pastures, which allow the old the regrow. Life is movement and growth as well as death. Death is the bridge to life and sustains it. It is the crux of life and the transmutation between states.
Nature demands strength. It requires will and determination to survive. Nature itself depends on equilibrium. If the pack is weak, the herd will continue to grow until disease claims the lives of the herd or the environment can no longer sustain the them. The sheep need the wolves as much as the wolves need the sheep to maintain order and equilibrium. The rest of the environment needs the sheep and the wolves, other life depends upon the interplay of the pack and the herd. The pack instinctively knows play prepares the pup’s for a struggle.
The wolf pup’s play is an integral part of preparing the next generation and sets the social order. It prepares them for the conflict of determining what their roles will be in the pack. Their play is conditioning for survival. The strongest will lead. The weaker will follow. The alpha still depends on the roles of the other pack members. The weaker depend on the alpha to maintain order.
Nature is a binary force. There is light and dark, predator and prey. Nature is always in a state of flux, yet it always maintains an equilibrium. If the lion lay among the sheep the entire balance of nature comes to an abrupt end. Life itself is the experience of awareness and offers a place for the strong and the weak. Every living creature lives in a volatile environment. Those that cannot adapt, die. This is a cycle that maintains itself for everything as a whole. Nature is diversity and each species has it’s role to play. Placing an unnatural construct around fairness and equality will destroy life itself.
Europeans understood wolves, feared and respected them. They saw reflections of themselves in the wolf. They understood their part in nature and played their role.
The class of wealth understands nature in that they have defined you as the prey. They educated you to be their prey. They’ve redefined your perception of nature into constructs of equality and diversity that don’t actually exist in nature. They are parasites that infect the host. They view us as “useless eaters” and “cannon fodder” yet they depend upon our collective ignorance and create it if needed.Remain healthy and educated and the parasite will not be a threat. They can never be eradicated, but they can be controlled. We feed and get satiated, they consume and never feel satisfied.
If the parasite had a philosophy, it would be “Alone am I weak, together we are strong.”
No one organism can grow without limits, it upsets the natural order of equilibrium. Know you place and participant or be swept away. Will must triumph.
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