Easy Riders: A Cultural Icon

 The Black Pigeon speaks:

Adding to this...

I've always thought the modern biker culture is essentially a media creation from the days of Hollister to the shitty B rated biker movies of the 50's and 70's. Few culture phenomena are organic in this country. It's all a product. I love motorcycles and owned a few Harley's but the subculture are full of fucking idiots, so much so I sold them. My aunt's husband was in a notorious biker gang in the 70's and he looked like a living B rated biker movie. He was a mean mother-fucker that tried to "go straight." The decision to marry my aunt was against club rules. They tied him to a tree, beat him, left him for dead. He was always threatened from that day forward. Decorated Airforce veteran ruined and dead at 52 from alcoholism and heart disease. I knew someone that joined a club even after I warned him. He caught on quick and had too much of a moral compass and wouldn't do *something.* They kicked him out and told him never to come back in the city. Gave him a week to move and move he did. They're dangerous because they built a myth around this lifestyle. People admire that bad boy image but they'll ruin your life over a manufactured image. It's tragic. Hollywood continued the narrative with Sons of Anarchy and pushing this even further into popular culture. These Hollywood narratives are central to the culture. It's the backbone. People want to be like the people on the screen because they were raised by the TV. I grew up in the 70's and didn't see this movie until the 90's. "Dude! You haven't seen Easy Riders! It's fucking awesome!" It was lauded as being the voice of a disenfranchised generation that wasn't understood and just wanted to be free to enjoy life. It was clear to me it sucked and there was something wrong with it. You're right, they were opportunistic, losers with no morals and drug pushers. To me, the entire 60's was a full scale media attack on American youth. The "peace and love" hippie movement was completely manufactured and meant to distort American values. It was a stunning success. The view of free love and drug use as a recreation literally killed a few members of my family and their friends. I've known a few people that got high did stupid shit and ended up vegetables. This wanton drug culture killed musicians and celebrities and they became honored and revered. It filtered down to real people. The media has glorified crime, gansta lifestyles and drug manufacturing with movies like "Breaking Bad." Every movies is an attack against our culture and people. The Joker and Failing Down movies are the gloating of the European man's disintegrating. They're saying it's okay to lash out, you are being wronged.

Hollywood has done everything it can to destroy America, it's gone out of it's way to demonize the South and Rural America. They've been successful.


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