All Americans are collectively responsible for slavery

 Media narrative: "We are collectively, as a nation, responsible for Slavery and the Civil War."

Verdict: Bullshit.

About 15 million immigrants came to the U.S. from 1851-1900. If just 2/3 of that group had just one child every 5-10 years, for a period 120 years (to the present), how many of their descendants have absolutely no fucking responsibility because their families didn't live here? That number is zero.

That's right. The majority of people living today have nothing to do with a "collective national guilt."  There is nothing to "own up to" or be apologetic for. Most Americans are conned into this narrative to hide who was actually involved.

We can say that 100% of black Americans, are descendants of slaves. However, even if we account for the fact that less than 6% of Americans owned slaves before 1870, these people are long since dead. Who owned slaves? People running businesses that could afford them. Most existing wealth in this country is generational wealth, common people don't have wealth to pass on. Who did? The Robber Barons and Elite families of the time.

Incidentally the momentum to end slavery as an institution were a large majority of common Americans who were ideologically opposed to it and couldn't afford them anyway. The slaves were pushed into share-cropping by their former land owning masters, not the majority population. The influx of immigrants was still one of increasing the labor pool, because agriculture was still a major economic contributor. Most immigrants lived in rural areas and were farm laborers. They too got trapped into share-cropping. Any historian overlooking these facts is an idiot. It doesn't take a degree to understand this.

The media and academia are gaslighting the public by lies, omission and propaganda. You can find and download the Census data, view historical records. The media has simply throw the historical facts out of the window to build a narrative that works in their interests. Today, you are being branded extremists and terrorists due to the actions of a social class that less than 6% of Americans are even in. 

The current class of American elite have their root is the following families:





Vanderbilt's (Cooper)


and the list goes on.

Not including the other unnamed ethic groups that married into these families. They profited from this. Today, you are being blamed. This isn't a racial issue it's a class issue. The descendants of the elites are now running the companies, employed in government and the media.  The upper class has promoted themselves as saviors and asking you to repent for the sins their fathers committed.

The Jewish participants of this ruse are omitted because they control the media, by their own admission. The American Elites intermarried with them and they each work together to hide their culpability. Wealth marries into wealth.


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