The Native Americans

Lot of projection and accusations are being made against Europeans.

Did we collectively commit genocide of the Native Americans, no, we didn't. This was a government operation in support of business interests and corruption.

Corporate interests killed them for land, farms, railways and expansion. It was sanctioned by the bankers and financiers who lobbied the government and brought in the calvary to kill or forcibly remove them. Yes, European people were employed to do the bidding of these entities and likely believed the Dime novels of the 18th century. They played a part due to ignorance and propaganda. A fear campaign was engineered against them.

Your average frontiersman didn't kill the natives unless they were attacked in self defense. Why wouldn't natives attack settlers? Few citizens went in search of Natives to kill. Life was brutal for the Natives and the Settlers. Both sides died trying to protect their interests. Industry won the war against the Native Americans. The Calvary's presence was a military occupation. Business owners lobbied the U.S. government to provide military support for exapnsion.

The idea that we are collectively responsible as Europeans is bullshit. We are responsible for not holding companies and politicians accountable. This class have pushed the blame on us. Their culpability has been placed on the common people. Politicians and companies were quick to parade "Christian Values" for their economic interests and justification. They were labeled "savages." The Saxon Christians called the Northmen savages for worshipping their gods.

The native Europeans had already been conquered by an alien religion. That mindset in turn made other people victims. The war against the native indigenous people of all countries has been taking place all over the world, not just in the U.S. The disease is the rejection of nature. Politicians and preachers will never embrace native cultures anywhere in the world, but they will blame their subject for their destruction.

Nobody in my family lived in the U.S. until 1889. The Native Americans had already been crushed before our arrival. Most Americans had little or nothing to do with a "systemic genocide" of Native Americans, who, like my family, arrived after the late 1800's.

Many people idealize Native Americans because they see in them what we lost. Before the advent of Christianity, we had similar characteristics and traits. Christianity killed the natives culture in their quest to "save them." Christianity also killed our cultures in order to "save us." We had more in common with them before Christianity and nothing in common with them after.

Europe is full of graves filled by Christians, by other Christians. Christianity destroyed our Native cultures and replaced it by force or economic sanctions. The Elites and psychopaths embraced it for power. Kings embraced this religion and the people followed suit.

We are all enslaved by this mindlessness.


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