Not "Our Guy"
Trump had captured the disenfranchised middle class through a populist message. He campaigned hard against a woman that even Democrats didn’t fully trust. The Democrats played identity politics, created division and slandered half the country as deplorable.

I believed he could win on a populist message that resonated with middle Americans. My wife thought I was crazy for suggesting he would win (other people saw this also). The media predicted he wouldn’t win. The polls didn’t reflect it. It became a joke; “Trump will never become president.” The public was engineered to believe he had a snowball’s chance in hell to win the presidency. I don’t believe this was a fluke. I believe this surprise win that “shocked the nation” was a well-conceived plan to broadly demonize what little American values we had as archaic, hateful and regressive.
Hillary, as it stood in 2016, was unpalatable to most Americans and unelectable. She was involved in a string of investigations and ethics issues. She couldn’t campaign on her achievements, she didn’t have any. In my opinion, everything she touched turned to shit. She campaigned on platitudes, minority interests, feminism, black lives matter. She was a fraud in each area. She climbed into politics in the coat tails of Bill Clinton, a rapist and a liar. Hillary is an opportunist that would say anything depending on the audience of the day.
Hillary is a crook, a globalist and an opportunist of the worse kind. I wouldn’t doubt it if she’s actually a psychopath. Given all her negative traits, she’s actually the perfect political stooge for the financial elite to meet every goal they have at a global level, but was too soon to put such an overt criminal in place. At that point in time she was a liability because she was too brazen and careless in her actions.
Then there’s Trump.
His positive portrayals are of the wealthy businessman, a straight-talking political outsider, a man that’s going to “drain the swamp” and put an end to illegal immigration. He’s been billed as a New York real estate mogul that’s successfully rebuilt his empire. Not to mention a playboy and a Reality TV star.
Is Trump knowingly playing the part of the “next Hitler” and a “threat to democracy?” The media has worked hard to paint this picture. We’ve got 24/7 365 days of the media bashing the shit out of Trump’s every move and every tweet. He’s saying he wants to “Make America Great Again”, rebuild the aging infrastructure, get better trade deals, stop dropping money into NATO like a bottomless pit, create jobs, build a wall. It doesn’t matter that democrats made those same remarks before Trump entered politics. “He’s a threat to Democracy.” I figure the con game is getting anyone who wants these things to be identified as Nazis, White Supremacist or Uncle Toms. The media is strongly pushing this narrative. The media is the gatekeeper of information presented to the public and the high priests of public opinion.
On the other hand, Trump may simply be an unwitting fool playing into this scheme. Trump’s ego and hubris being a serious shortcoming in a social setting of vipers. He’s brash and can be abrasive, but he is doing so publicly. The major players in the political sphere are more cunning and private in their backstabbing. I will give him credit on a few points. He never throws the first punch and verbally rakes his opponents over the coals if they persist in attacking him. That in itself isn’t a bad quality to have. He knows how to fight back and play on his opponents’ weaknesses. The reality is Trump doesn’t have any real political allies in the establishment. He came in with a team of advisors that filled his cabinet with career politicians and insiders. He picked swamp rats to drain a swamp they are already familiar with. If Trump isn’t an accomplice, he’s simply being set up to fail in this arena. If he’s genuine, he’s a temporary setback to the Elite meeting their goals, but he will be used nevertheless. Trump is a little naïve in thinking people want what he wants, but he does know what the Heartland wants to hear. He operates on trust and expectations, because in business you need it to get things accomplished.
Trump was in the limelight for years. His greatest success had more to do with being a media personality than a real estate mogul. He’s still is a media personality. His entire persona is a media creation. Trump is the WWF’s version of the bad guy you love to fucking hate. You know it isn’t real, but you’ll suspend judgment to be entertained. The media and limousine liberals love to hate him. They’ve never had the chance, in their entire lives, to see themselves as saviors and martyrs for their progressive ideology.
It appears the point of Trump is to be the bad guy and target anyone who supports him as “bad people.” Trump may simply be a temporary actor in the greater scheme to absolutely fuck over nationalist, populists and conservatives. Will the next great story be “How we triumphed over racism and white supremacy in the age of Trump” after the next liberal clown is put on the world stage?
Trump’s message isn’t a bad one. It’s just that is isn’t good for the bankers or progressives. I think the end goal is to target our traditional values as a nation and as Anglo-Americans as ultimately being an evil to move us into another phase. Had Trump been president 50 years ago he’d be considered a liberal.
There a glaring problem. Trump really hasn’t done shit but talk a good game. No wall will be built. He will not restrict immigration. All of his campaign promises will be a barrel of shit the American people have wanted to believe since before we were born. Campaign promises have a null value unless acted upon. Even if he thought he could come in with a force of will I think he may have found he’s actually powerless and shockingly so in fighting the establishment.
The truth is, White European countries are already banana republics ruled by globalists and managed by a technocratic elite. It’s been this way for a long time. The goal is just getting people to accept it and encourage the masses to do the dirty work of the globalists.
Trump isn’t our guy. He’s literally the personification of the bad guy the communists and progressives need to justify social change on a mass scale. Everybody loses. Trump may simply be a transitional ploy to make a radical leftists appear to be a “solution.” People overlook the fact his daughter converted to Judaism, he son-in-law is a seedy little prick with questionable business practices. Trump has lived and worked in New York his whole life, employing Jewish business partners and lawyers. New York has the largest Jewish population in the U.S. Trump would have never survived being an Anti-Semite in New York. Strangely, Trump is called an Anti-Semites in the media and by Jews. Anti-Semites don’t declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
Even if he is “our guy”, he has no real institutional power. The government is simply a consuming organism of active backroom players whose addiction is money and power in a cleverly constructed reality series. We desperately want to believe political good and evil exists. It doesn’t to the globalist. We are simply resources to be used to gain money and power for a small cabal of psychopaths. Anything that prevents this virus from spreading is attacked and vilified in the public. We are simply fighting fictitious battles at the leisure and discretion of our financial overlords.
We are fighting a spiritual battle against each other that should be waged against globalists. We are fighting in a ring they constructed. Bread and Circuses isn’t just MMA, the NFL and the NBA, it’s politics. It’s Democrats versus Republicans, left versus right. This war has been raging for hundreds of years. We were born in the midst of a battle. Every point of reference lies in the framework that was engineered before our births.
If you’ve been paying attention most of the Alt-Right personalities were actually Jewish or people that supported Israel and Zionism. They created and benefitted from the MAGA movement. Ben Shaprio, Cernovich, Loomer, Southern and a host of drones like them. They are slowly framing the narratives to get conservatives to homosexuality, transgenderism, immigration, Zionism etc. around “civic nationalism.” I’d like to state I really don’t give a damn what these people do in private, but these are not virtues for the greater good. They do nothing for the public at large, they aren’t virtues and society’s didn’t spring up because of them.
All the MAGA drones firmly support Israel. There’s a very strong Christian Evangelical contingent that’s fully behind Trump. Mention the obvious and they’ll hurl every conceivable insult at you. Christian Zionism is Judaism lite, without the privileges.
Is it a “Jewish Plot?” Not exclusively, it’s simply a vector that keeps the engine at full throttle to globalism. Islam and Christianity are other vectors being played against each other. They are just tools in the arsenal of the globalist to create friction. Kind of amazing three “religions of peace” stemming from the same Semitic family tree are the major players in this game isn’t it? The end goal is being managed by technocratic managers at the behest of an Elite. They simply want to turn the world into a fucking amusement park for their leisure. Life to the elite is simply a struggle for survival and dominance with no rules. It’s as base as you can get. There is no morality but money, power and resources. Laws are constructed for us. They can break them at any time, because they can buy their way out of it or bend them.
Most Trump supporters aren’t fully committed to the real responsibility of cleaning shit up. They just want to continue watching sports ball. They want to be left alone and hope this shit all goes away. A modern conservative simply conserves liberalism. They have no backbone and will fold every time taking a stand makes them appear to be “mean.” Even if they get what they want, it’s still just crumbs from the master’s table. Conservatives are simply being ground down to accept whatever the elites dictate because they don’t want their quality of life impacted. They aren’t thinking of future they are only thinking of their immediate benefits.
Liberals want change to justify their overt self-hatred. Rules don’t matter to them, they just don’t have the resources or the will to build, only to break down conventions. There’re millions of things wrong in their minds, they want others to correct it. Like conservatives, they’ll invite chaos if they think they can live comfortably on the outskirts and not be overtly affected. They’ll create the wave that washes them away.
There appears to be an endgame. There will be many losers and fewer winners. The globalists can’t overtly kill thousands of people in their own countries without a manufacturing a justification and a rationale for it or eyes will fall directly on them. People need a reason to commit these acts, however flimsy. They may clean up the liberals as the menace. Liberals can break down society and convention, they just can’t maintain it. If you beat up conservatives they’ll simply submit and enforce whatever bullshit is laid at their feet. The elite are seeking a culling at worse, complete societal breakdown at best. They are open and brazen about it. Each party has become a war party and have been making overtures of war will Russia, China, Syria and already engaged the West in a 17 year war against terror. They’ll spend the money to make it happen. It may be billions, but it’s a short term lose for a long-term gain. Total control.
Hundreds of millions have proudly marched to their deaths fighting a banker’s war. After each war or revolution, a banker comes in, buys low and gathers more capital and crushes the remaining survivors under debt. The Elite furnish the enemy, the rationale and the equipment. They’ll always find the low-level crooks to do their bidding. There’s an endless supply of people will to toss morality and ethics aside and take their money. The Elite sit comfortably in the shadows watching their plans unfold.
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