Why I am not a Christian.

    I’m am not a theologian, the following is simply my opinion. I base my opinions on my reading of the Old and New Testament, the Apocrypha, the Nag Hammadi and other religious texts. I have studied the Tao, Hinduism and Buddhism. I have researched the history and impact of Christianity on Europe. My personal conclusion and discovery is that Semitic religions are detrimental to human societies and an individual’s mental health. It is a strict binary worldview. There are Christians who have morals and ethics, but unfortunately modern Christianity is severely lacking. I don’t believe in “Judeo-Christianity.” There is no real correlation to Judaism, but now most worship Jews and are ardent Zionists. I would remind you Satanism itself is a Semitic religion.

    First I draw a clear distinction from the man and the religion. In my mind, Jesus didn’t found a religion. He challenged the spiritual prison of the Talmudic Rabbi’s of his day. I suspect if Jesus did travel during his missing years, he taught at every stop. One could surmise his message was unique to the people of the area of Judea to break the chains of a spiritual bondage that affected them.

    If he existed, he was a man, not a god, nor was he the sole son of a god. Not once did he ever refer to himself as the Messiah or the “Son of God.” Re-read the New Testament. This title was given to him by later Christians. If he wasn’t the son of god, who was he? He often referred to his “Father” and the “Kingdom of Heaven.” That father had residence in heaven. That father being common to us all. He could has been speaking of the AllFather. No Jew to my knowledge ever acknowledged their god as father.

    “…When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father…” — Gospel of Thomas, verse 3.

    “Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” John 18:36

    The “Jews” were looking for a Messiah to deliver them from “Roman Oppression.” He reminded them that wasn’t his role.

    At that time Judea was a client state of Rome and was taxed by Rome as well as the Jewish priests. The people in this region were doubly taxed. The “Money Changers” we hear about were the priests that sold sacrificial animals or baths required by Jewish religious law. This may have been the final reason Jesus was targeted by the Sanhedrin Council. Jesus rejected the burdened placed on the faithful to pay a tax to worship their god. He had already be targeted several times before and often had to flee for challenging their authority.

    Many Christians will claim the divinity of Jesus by evidence of his virgin birth. Turning water into wine, raising the dead and walking on water. These are miracles based on faith. These miracles are devices used to convince people of his divinity. It’s a tool of conversion to people that need or want a supernatural being, not the inherent truths he taught. If Jesus is simply an object of worship based on miracles, then it separates him from his struggle and his humanity.

    Jesus was likely an unusually intelligent man guided by ethics and a deeper spiritual understanding of the human condition. A man that challenged his brothers to think beyond the dogma of religion and ritual to have a personal and spiritual relationship with their “heavenly” father. His real divinity was his message and his fight against spiritual dogma and for the spirit of the law.

    It should be noted there were several supposed Christians sects years after his death. Two of the most notable ones were the Cathars and the Gnostics. These two sects had one thing in common; They believed no 3rd party could represent a man’s personal experience and relationship with god. These two sects were branded heretics by the Roman Catholic Church. Many of their followers were hunted down and slaughtered after the Roman Catholic Church established their dominance. Catholicism (sic “catholicus”) literally means “Universalism.” But were the Gnostics actually Christian? I don’t believe they were. Many Christian scholars seem to paint them as earlier forms of Christianity simply because of the context of their training. To get a better idea of Gnosticism I’d refer you to John Lash’s book “Not In His Image.” Gnosticism was a warning of religion that taught a Salvationist ideology.

    Many Christians were martyred before Christianity was adopted by Rome. Christianity appealed to the poor. Being on the lower rungs of society can create hopelessness and becoming a martyr with the hope of salvation was likely appealing to the already hopeless lot of people in the Empire. Most literally threw themselves into persecution. We're talking people that would self-flagellate themselves to cleanse them of "sins."

    Christian conversions were becoming a problem for the stability of the Roman state. It would appear Constantine recognized the power of faith was stronger than that of the sword. His genius was co-opting Christianity and bringing it under control of Rome. I’m sure he was a pragmatic man and recognized it would be better to utilize this new religion that actively fight it or suppress it.

    The Council of Nicaea, formed by Constantine, standardized Christianity under Roman law. It established the official doctrine of Christianity and a creed. This creed established Jesus as a god. If the man Jesus became a god, what becomes of his message of spiritual liberation? You should note the organization of the Catholic Church actually mirrors the political organization of the Roman state. Few realize Julius Caesar was also the head of the Roman State Religion (Pontifex Maximus).

    Once you make the declaration a man is a god, that man becomes unchallenged and enforced by the state. He already has an apparatus to maintain power. Augustus and Julius Caesar were also declared to be gods. Jesus was declared a god by the Council of Nicaea “in absentium.” That power being held later by a political body of Roman Cardinals. Do not forget that the elite tolerated and supported Emperors that were declared to be gods. If you retort with “Julius Caesar was a dictator” you are unaware a dictator was a magistrate given sole power for a limited duration. It was a title and a function of a duty. Many Roman emperors performed as a dictator under the law.

    Rome had a habit of searching for, or creating enemies of the State. Every subjugation was considered legitimate. The “Roman Way” was the the right way. Once a country was dominated by Rome, it became a client state. These Client States paid tribute to Rome. Before Christianity, Rome in no way tried to change the culture, ethnicity or religion of those client states. Later, the Roman Catholic Church christened Kings. A King’s legitimacy pivoted on the recognition of the Church and the Pope. Once could surmise this was a well crafted way to maintain client states under the illusion of being sanctioned by God’s emissary on earth.

    Rome understood one thing well. Use the political and financial power of the client states to expand the Roman Empire under the guise of religion. That marriage between church and state served each other well. It essentially becomes a bureaucracy of titles to maintain power of the wealthy. This enabled the rapid expansion of Christianity in Europe. It earlier eradicated the Cathars and Gnostics that could have challenged this political power. They lost because they did not have the political or financial power of the elites. The financial elite and ruling class did not want a religion that did not recognize third parties being the intermediaries of man’s relationship with god. If you have a direct, personal and spiritual relationship with god, you have no use of the state. Constantine used Christianity for political ends.

    Catholicism (Universalism), not the spiritual beliefs and teaching of Jesus, conquered Europe by the sword. Each conquest killed thousands and subjugated the survivors. Each regional king blessed by the pope acquired more land and power under the auspices of the Church. Charlemagne issued decrees to execute those who would not convert to Christianity. Priests became the secret police of Church. You paid tributes to the Church, confessed your sins to the priest while never truly knowing the message of Jesus. It wasn’t taught in Church. You could be excommunicated by the Church and your soul be externally damned this declaration. If you were lucky, you could buy indulgences. Most weren’t lucky.

    Christian went from willfully seeking persecution to becoming the persecutors themselves. One cannot be a Christian knowing Christianity was spread throughout Europe much the same way Islam is today. 

    The priests could imbibe of libations to drunkenness, engage in sexual intercourse, father children out of wedlock and gain wealth. They could sentence you to death or torture you for a confession and still have you executed. Today, we hear of priests molesting children and simply being reassigned to other Parishes. The common man witnessed these behaviors and were powerless to stop it. Not all Priests and adherents were corrupt. There are genuine and moral people within the Catholic Church, but not enough to change the direction of the institution. The institution itself creates chaos. It celebrates death and behind the scenes practices all manner of unnatural acts.

    I will have no part of a Semitic religion or a fabricated belief system. Is Christianity a Semitic religion? Some people consider Christianity a “Judeo-Christian” religion. There’s a gap of 400–500 years between the old and new Testament. The teachings of Jesus are more closely aligned with Buddhism than Judaism. I suggest reading comparisons of Buddhism and the teachings of Jesus. It will become evident the missing years of Jesus was likely due to his travels to the East and his study of Buddhism. There are many stories in eastern culture of a man, like Jesus, teaching and traveling throughout the East.

    It appears Jesus wasn’t received well by the Sadducees, Pharisees and Sanhedrin Council during his time in the Roman occupied territory of Judea. He did recognize local religious holidays and cultural practices, but he challenged the local religious authority; so much so they threaten to kill him on several occasions.

    Jesus wasn’t a passive man. He had strong words against the Jews of his day:

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44–45

    Later they attempt to stone him:

    “Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.” John 8:59

    He also physically challenged the priests and “money changers” in the temple. Jesus, so it’s said, was the son of a carpenter, more than likely not a weak, frail pacifist that abhorred violence. If Jesus the man existed, his message was altered or fabricated into to support a larger scheme of state control.

    Jesus may have been a “student of religion” and a philosopher if legends of Christlike figures like Issa in Kashmir are to be believed. Some people believe Jesus was a Jew, but ignore the fact he was from Galilee and was called a Nazarene. From what we know his primary language was Aramaic. Judea was Roman occupied territory. This area was compromised of Romans, Samaritans, Galileans. Some of his Jewish followers thought he was the promised Messiah. This Jewish Messiah was a person believed to head and deliver a Jewish Kingdom on earth. Jesus was likely well aware of this speculation and often reminded his followers this kingdom “was not of this earth.” Jesus might have been recognized as a Messiah by the Jewish leaders had he led a revolt against Rome.

    To this day, Jesus is not recognized by modern Jews as a Messiah. The release of Barabbas from execution was preferred over Jesus because Barabbas was likely a leader of a revolt against the Romans. The Jews wanted an earthly kingdom, not a spiritual one.

    These Semitic religions are not a part of the people of Northern Europe. They are alien. They do not reflect the culture and ethic values of Europeans. No one was forced to worship Odin. There was no evangelism of pagan beliefs, because the gods were native to the consciousness of the Europeans. The Nordic gods dictated nothing of man, but required honor. If you preferred Thor, it was no disrespect to Odin as Thor was his son. Odin was not a jealous or angry god that demanded you believe in him. He was a god that always sought a greater wisdom. He made no promises, there were no covenants. He did not prefer one group over another.

    According to the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus recognized other gods:

    (30) Jesus said, “Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him.”

    Judaism, Islam and Christianity are Semitic religions. These religions are defined by war and genocide. War isn’t a predominate theme of pagan Pan European religion. It was honor and courage displayed in the act of war that was celebrated, not a war of religious conversion.  War was defensive or offensive for survival. Living is a struggle. The is struggle and conflict in nature and the primary method of insuring survival. There was no view that other people were favored by their god over all other than the act of bravery and deeds. When they fought, they didn’t act as machines, they fought as men. They did not declare land for Odin. They had no covenant with their god. There were no promises, only the reward of Valhalla for those that fought bravely and died in battle.

    Europeans are imperfect and like others, struggled in an environment that could be cold and hostile and required intelligence, craft and cunning. We took risks for the sake of doing so, we explored out of desperation, status and survival. We revered the trees, the wood itself and befriended dogs. Jehovah wasn’t present for us during most of our evolution as a people. Our achievements were in spite of Christianity, not because of it. Any real achievement in Europe was a struggle against the Church. Many were tortured and killed if they defied the Church. If we have suffered or caused others to suffer it was due to the weak among us who accepted an alien god by force or surrender.

    Why did we lose? Did the Gods of the Aesir abandon us? We lost because traitors among us submitted to the accumulation, power and status with no honor. Rome itself abandoned their gods in favor of raw empirical power. It understood the power of belief could be welded as a sword if you appealed to their weakness and replaced their traditions will an alien faith. They used the mob they created, the destitute and hopeless and gave them power to recklessly create chaos across Europe with a new god that made promises of redemption. They created a fear of death and a promise of eternal life they already had.

    The Church, having conquered Europe and erasing our pagan religions and customs, now pacifies us with “brotherly love” irrespective of the actions of those “brothers”, who do not look like us, act like us or have the same values. They are not our family. We can wish them well or hate them but their peoples and communities are responsible for their well being, not mine.

    This conquest of Europe by the sword wasn’t the doctrine of Jesus. It was the theocratic Catholic Church. If you are coerced into a religion and not by the value of its teachings, you are descendants of slaves to an ideology acting under the pretense of authority of a God by men. The modern Christian church is not representative of God nor Jesus. Christianity is the religion of a subdued people. Islam means “Submission.” Like Islam, few countries willfully embraced Christianity.

    I have no respect for Christianity. We can’t be certain what Jesus said or believed. Most books were written hundreds of years after his death. Books were droped from canon and many were incorrectly interpreted if not rewritten for the current poltical climate. Christianity’s real genesis begin with Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish tax collector, who later became Paul. Under Paul, Christianity became an evangelical religion that became a universalist religion that contradicted the teachings of Jesus. His message was completely the opposite of what is taught in these spiritually mega churches. Rome was conquered by Christianity, Christianity then conquered Europe.

    I consider Jesus to be a representation of the authentic man. A man that challenged a false doctrine. His power was challenging people to think beyond the dogma of religion and its rituals. He encouraged following the spirit of religious law, not the letter. In essence, he was challenging the religious authority of men and their contrived institutions to retain power to a small class of men with no ethics. Why are European men waging a war against each other for a small cabal to remain in power? Because wealth replaced honor and status replaced wisdom.

    Jesus may have fought against religious institutions who held power over minds of men that bound them more insidiously than any chains. He fought to free those who did not recognize they were enslaved by an ideology that was contrary to a wider natural order. He struggled against the Pharisees and Sadducees to liberate “The lost sheep of Israel.” Did he have to walk on water or turn water into wine? How great is the achievement of one man that took on a cabal of priests determined to imprison the minds of men?

    Christianity and the one that preceded it are dead institutions. If you worship a god out of ignorance or force, you are preforming a ritual devoid of spirit. The image of Jesus on a cross is a macabre celebration of a dead authentic man that challenged authority. It’s a warning to anyone that defies the church or the state.

    There is no direct lineage of real Christianity and Judaism. It’s an entirely different message. “Judeo-Christian” is a well orchestrated fabrication to give credence to modern Jews as being arbiters of humanity. The Hebrews of the old testament constantly rejected their god, massacred their rivals and killed their prophets.

    If you’d like a better understanding of Jesus’s message, you’ll need to read Gnostic Gospels. Only four gospels were canonized by the Catholic Church. There were many more not included because they taught your relationship with god was a personal one and no one had authority to intercede in that relationship.

    The Modern Christianity of “Evangelical Mega-Churchs”and Catholicism, now a coven of pedophiles, has sold out Europeans and favored Israel and embraced Islam. If Christianity will not defend Europe, why defend Christianity? There is no honor in defeat.

    Christianity has a 2,000 year history of forced conversions. There is no documented evidence of any Germanic people forcing conversion to paganism in recorded history. There are over 90K Christian denominations. Who's right? Who has been saved? Where are the proofs anyone has been saved, other than blind faith?

    I do not worship Nordic gods, I honor them. The Gods because I am a European of Germanic heritage. Our European gods were closely connected and shared similarities. That ancient worldview was a part of nature and the Gods were personal. They belonged to us all. They didn't create us to punish us, but give us a life and a vehicle to spiritually grow and test our resolve.

    Jesus never referred to himself as a god, or the son of god. He never mentioned the name of Jehovah. He referred to a god as a father. He referred to himself as “a son of man.” Sound familiar? We are the sons of gods; be your own savior.

    Jesus revered the Father, Germanic people revered the Allfather. One could wonder the if he wasn’t actually paying homage to the Allfather.

    Måtte gudene dine være med deg.


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