Tactics used against us

1. Engineer charged words or phrases

Create words that implicitly denote negative connotations.  Associate the words with a targeted group.

Racism is an example of a word created to sow division. The first use of the word was by Leo Trotsky.

“All white people are racist"

2. Redefinition

Redefine the meaning of an existing word or phrase to sound pleasing or positive that in practice in the opposite of its actual practice.

“Black Lives Matter.”
Frame anyone saying “All lives matter” as still practicing an implicit bias and rejecting Blacks as a general group.

Create a generic organizational name that can be associated with or confused with an actual governmental organization.

Federal Reserve

3. Shape shifting

Present yourself as the target group to denounce their actions and history.

“My fellow white people.”

This includes aligning yourself with any group or movement that general isn’t accepted by the majority.

“As a gay, black transgendered Jew, I am opposed to systemic white racism and supremacy.” The point is to falsely claim you also represent these groups interests and are members of those communities.

4. Rewrite or misrepresent history

Present your groups past actions as the actions of the target group. Claim that any information presented is a lie, “antisemitic” or a conspiracy theory by “Supremacists.”

“Only white people practiced slavery and colonialism.”

5. Redirection

Radicalize people of a lower moral character or minority (Not implying all minorities have a lower character) and direct blame from themselves to another group.

Reinforce the idea that all social evils and grievances are not their fault. Create and project the cause on the targeted group, like “white people.”

“Transgendered people are being oppressed by white heterosexuals.”

6. Infiltration

Infiltrate existing organizations with radicals under the guise of positive social change primarily through connections, recommendation and nepotism. Given that many organizations start off with clear goals and healthy intent, if they challenge the existing power structures they are quickly infiltrated.

Corrupt or steer the organization from its original charter or mission to new values.

  1. Infiltrate the organization
  2. Subvert it’s core values
  3. Destroy its primary mission and align it with negative goals.

7. By deception do war.

Create, train and fund individuals and groups to act as agent provocateurs, acting as members of the movement to commit acts of violence to de-legitimize the target organization to a broader audience.

8. Baiting

At times your adversary will bait an audience with blatant facts. This is bait to determine where their opponents are to rally supporters to target them.

Who runs Hollywood?

Yes, we Jews really do control the media!“

They aren't denying anything among themselves, they are however condemning you for what they openly admit.

9. The Shill

The Shill is very adept at providing talking points that mirror most of your interests and concerns. They can and will point out the actual issues with immigration, a lack of borders and rampant crime. However, they are ardent Zionists and support Jewish interests with unparalleled devotion. They will viciously attack anyone that criticizes Jewish or Israel’s interest.

They are playing a background game to get people to align with Jewish interests and accept how Israel conducts state affairs. They don’t necessarily  give a damn about the issues they rant about, their sole goal is getting you to accept the how and why of  Israel’s deporting immigrants, forced sterilization and police action against terrorists.

Their admirers think “Man we should be like Israel, they are faced with the same issues we have."

  • Katy Hopkins
  • Pat Condell
  • Peter Sweden
  • Bill Mitchell
  • Alex Jones
Just because someone mirrors most of your interests, be aware of crux of their support and what they insist you support unconditionally.

A half truth can be more damaging that an outright lie.

10. Be an Accuser

It’s not uncommon to your adversary to make accusations against their targets for the very acts they themselves commit. It masks their intentions and focuses people on their opponents, not themselves.

 It doesn’t have to be factual. The only requirement is to create doubt and insinuate the target acts immorally or unethically.

If you simply make a statement, like “Some say John’s wife may be cheating on him.”

The woman could be completely innocent, but it creates a doubt in someone’s mind of her credibility and faithfulness. No facts need support this, no source be named. The damage is done.

It's a Saul Alinsky tactic to judge people by their moral code.

Many "male feminists" are typically the very dirtbags they rail against. The accuser projects their indiscretions onto others to mask their behavior to claim power and influence.


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