Drills and Events
The following is speculation on my part. I’m just amazed at the extremely coincidental attributes of the “lone gun active shooter” incidents. When things start showing signs of correlation there may be some basis in fact. This is just an exploration.
A “conspiracy” is simply two or more people collaborating to conduct an (often illegal) event. They happen every day.
A lot of active shooter incidents take place during previous scheduled active shooter drills. There’s generally a call for “crisis actors” in Craigslist, Facebook and the town where the drill is scheduled to occur.
Here is one such call for a future scheduled “Active Shooter Drill” for Anniston, AL.

Note that the majority of these mass shootings and attacks are always performed during a “drill” 911: Exercise of a hijacked plane, became actual. The London Bombings: Counter terrorism exercise was taking place. The Boston bombing: An announcement was made via twitter that a drill was taking place. Sandy Hook: Drills took place before the shooting. Many exercises take place with no incident, but these events are the ideal cover for mass shootings.
The suspects are generally under surveillance before the attack and have a history of mental illness, previous violations, the use of prescription drugs. The point of the drill is to provide a cover for the actual “operators” to conduct their mission. The patsy is researched prior to the event to provide a fall guy and the story of a “lone-gunman.” Incidentally, the latest shooter, Patrick Crusius, was the son of a Therapist.
Other suspects or alleged shooters with previous mental health issues:
Adam Lanza: Sandy Hook
James Holmes: Aurora Theater
Nikolas Cruz: Stoneman Douglas School shooter
Seung-Hui Cho: Virginia Tech Shooter
James Holmes: Aurora Theater
Nikolas Cruz: Stoneman Douglas School shooter
Seung-Hui Cho: Virginia Tech Shooter
The list is longer, for the sake of brevity, I’ve keep it short.
Here’s a story where parents discovered there paranoid schizophrentic son was being groomed by the FBI to be a “right-wing extremist.”
If this doesn’t seem plausible and Wikipedia is correct, yes, MK-Ultra was a real program. Another notable alleged participants were Ted Kaczynski, and Sirhan Sirhan. Unfortunately it is not an “Internet Conspiracy Theory.”
It seems some agency is deliberately using mentally unstable people to commit acts of terrorism. The end result is gun control and the ability to create “Red Flag” laws to target individuals as mentally unstable that may not accept the status quo or have opinions unfavorable, thereby creating a legal case to take guns from current legal owners. If you are comfortable with the idea with Red Flag laws being supporting by mental health professionals consider this: The United States contracted psychologists to conduct torture in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba and Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The APA signed off on the torture techniques.
Imagine having 5 separate law enforcement agencies (City, State, Federal, National Guard and DHS) running around with hundreds of people conducting a drill. You’d only really need a handful of specially trained (Operators) performing a real world, active shooter event. These operations take place under the eye of law enforcement officials. Anyone in the appropriate gear would look like a legitimate law enforcement officer. Perhaps they are. They would blend into to environment. This simply creates confusion because the majority of these agencies are under the assumption it’s a drill. Most law enforement participants aren’t a part of the conspiracy to conduct actual shootings. An officer isn’t going to suspect another person in the proper gear to be a shooter, he’s looking for a designated pre-planned target or someone that fits a established profile. The actual shooters (Operators) may actually be credentialed.
My best guess would be a state actor, with highly trained special operations teams are conducting the actual shootings. These teams specialize in close quarter combat, quick entry and extraction. There are several agencies that come to mind.
The FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT)
DOD “Delta Force.”
Commandos of the Israeli Defense Force.
Xe (Formerly Blackwarter).
They have the technical and tactical training to conduct these missions with speed and precision. The actual kill ratio reported is far higher than an individual with a lack of weapons training can perform realistically in a real world environment. Professional hostage rescue teams spend years in actual live fire exercises in urban environments, with weapons tuned for performance and customized to their individual specifications.
The latest shooter in El Paso, Patrick Crusius, was 20 years old. He’s shown with an AK-47 with one 30 round magazine. He is reported to have killed 20 people, wounded 28 with a single weapon and 30 rounds. The available photos do not show any additional ammunition. Assuming he has additional magazines in his cargo pockets, rapid reloading would be a difficult task. The key to rapid reloading is round counting and magazine availability and a lot of practical exercises. Contrary to popular belief, it takes sustained training to achieve consistent, repeatable results.

I doubt a 20 year old with no formal weapons training could outperform a single Operator with years of training.
It should be noted that several witnesses have reported 4–5 man teams in military/tactical uniforms methodically targeting and shooting people. These witness reports are quite common and generally drowned out by the media by facts that are closer to the narrative they are pushing. In a few cases, the witnesses have actually died, committed suicide, or simply never heard from again. If true, it appears a clean up operation is being performed of the people that are the most vocal about witnessing people in tactical gear shooting people.
These teams have an intimate knowledge of the local law enforcement, likely do prior research of the area of operations, already have a patsy to take the fall and know when these drills are scheduled.
The media outlets have already established sources before the event and likely provide an initial framework of the story before the event takes place.
It appears a extremely radical group that’s extremely and has internal assets and well placed connections in the media to back them. I doubt the US Government is entirely complicit. It appears the local law enforcement agencies are simply being bungled in a bureaucratic mess, not knowing the scope and likely given false targets before the event. Once it occurs, they have a former suspect that matches the narrative and provides the local agencies with something to pursue. A quick apprehension solidifies the media narrative.
I’m sure there are some people in Law Enforcement that are aware of what’s going on but are somewhat powerless to disclose it under the threat of jail. The records are sealed and the agents are restricted from talking. I am not implying a “grand conspiracy” of all federal agencies. There are many good men and woman serving this country well and whose interests are fulfilling their oaths of service. What I am suggesting is these exercises provide an ideal cover for a rogue element to operate under the guise of a legitimate exercise for malevolent purposes.
My advice, if you are ever informed a drill is taking place in your work environment or school, take the day off. You may be in the middle of a well planned event that’s beyond your scope to defend yourself. These appear to be well orchestrated attacks to push a gun control agenda.
The active shooter in Ohio was preceded by this call for crisis actors for a state wide exercise. There is a pattern. People recognize patterns, it’s what allows us to make sense of the world around us, it allows law enforcement to conduct investigations.
Be alert.
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