
Having beliefs with no substantive facts is dangerous to everyone.

Knowledge can be gained from experience, but knowledge doesn't produce experience. Social groups can have shared experiences that build a community of collective knowledge. I've met people that were extremely knowledgeable in certain areas, can't function in others.They don't have experience in those other areas.  Many people seem to equate information with knowledge and others discard data that doesn't align with their beliefs. In many cases, beliefs are shared for social and political reasons, it's the simplest and shortest path for social acceptance. The fact is we are social animals and to survive in our societies, we accept beliefs to fit in or we are forced by those with political, social power. Information can be false or withheld and that can contribute to false beliefs. Personal beliefs are also supported by rejecting information. Many people don't research the opposing side of issues, but continually seek information that re-enforces their ideology.

Let’s take the “Flat Earth Theory” as an example. I’m amazed anyone is enamored with the flat earth. Regardless of whether the earth is round or flat, the laws of physics are still present in each model. Either way, it doesn't matter to me and doesn't negatively impact my life. There's nothing I can do to change it.  I do however "believe" the earth is round from accepting the research and supporting data. People have created functional models that prove the earth is round. Flat Earther’s can't produce a functional model supporting their theories. A model is require to prove a theorem.

Why would flat-earthers believe the earth is flat and yet the sun is a globe 30 miles wide? If the moon is flat why does it wax and wane? I can, with my limited knowledge, produce this effect with a beach ball and a flashlight in a darkened room. How can I reject this at scale if I can reproduce this at home? I haven't seen one image from NASA of a flat planet. Flat Earther say "Nasa images are fake." They have thrown hundreds of years of research and experiments out of the window. Discarding data doesn't create proofs, it does however create beliefs.

The rejection of information also appears to be the cornerstone of beliefs. I can believe seat belts in cars don't increase safety. If I'm in an accident without a seat belt and escape with few injuries. I can still claim they aren't effective, because I haven't experienced a crash at 60, with and without a seat belt. There's a lot of other factors, like speed. Going 15mph isn't the same as going 60mph. I trust that seat belts are more effective at a higher rate of speed by not rejecting mountains of evidence stating they are.

Experiences can change your beliefs because it increases your acquired knowledge. Sharing your experiences and the knowledge you've acquired can be a gift to others. They will only really understand when they experience it for themselves.


There are unsubstantiated beliefs and there are facts.

Nobody presently living in this country has been a slave, nobody living today has owned a slave. Less than 5% of the entire US at that time owned slaves. Of that 5% of those that did, 70% were Jewish. This fact would imply Jewish people were primarily responsible for slavery in the U.S. The fact is, Africans sold their own people into slavery. This means they share the blame for the subjugation of their people to foreigners.  White people ended institutionalized slavery in the United States. You can thank German Protestants for being the impetus behind this, it was against their values. Every race on the planet has practiced slavery at one point in time. The Romans enslaved the Gauls, The Ottoman Empire (Muslims) enslaved black’s and whites. In fact, Muslim’s enslaved more people than any group. The word “Slave” is used because “Slavic” people were captured by Muslims and called slaves. 

White people aren’t alone in that practice. Slaves were generally the defeated people of war. Slavery was practiced in the bible. The Jews practiced not only slavery, but genocide. It is a stain on everyone’s history.

In every case, both sides on any argument need to be considered before making a judgement on any issue. Feelings should never override facts. Beliefs made made by false or misleading information.

Here’s one black man’s opinion of the slave trade. Dontell Jackson.

You might be more interested in Professor Tony Martin’s research:

Here is a historical compilation of Europeans in Africa who witnessed the culture and practices of Africans. Slavery was at the core of their society regardless of which tribe they belonged to.

I am not privileged by virtue of being being white. I didn’t have the support of my family let alone other white people. I worked for everything I have. I received no scholarship, no special advantages. I spent 12 years in the Army and didn’t go back to school until I was 34. I paid for my education. I didn’t get an inheritance. I never got a job for being “white.”  Your story may be similar to mine.

White people have historically detested other poor whites due to Calvinist attitudes who believed that god rewarded “godly people.” Poor people were poor because they were "disfavored by god." I grew up being called “White Trash.” I lived in the “Projects” for years. I had to fight black kids often. Why? Because I was one of the few whites in public housing. They only saw me as white.

The poor are white and black. The majority of the poor in this country are white.

White southern men are generally stereotyped as racist, homophobic white trash and stupid rednecks. It isn’t easy being a white heterosexual male with a Southern accent. You’re automatically branded and labeled with every epitaph the media can conjure up after a century of slanderous articles generated by the media. They are compelling stories. I believed most of them until I starting reading. Mind you, this savage onslaught of defamation against Southerners has been going on since the Civil War.

The KKK wasn’t a Southern phenomena. In Indiana, half the elected members of the Indiana General Assembly, the Governor of Indiana, and many other high-ranking officials in local and state government were members of the Klan. They were Democrats. Politicians had also learned they needed Klan endorsement to win office. It’s peak membership was 250K members. Indiana was the headquarters of the KKK. The KKK were primarily politically Democrats and lynched white and black Republican. Republicans were staunchly against slavery and “Jim Crow” laws. Most blacks at that time were Republicans. Most aren’t aware of this fact. The amazing thing was this "Klan" was a complete cultural fabrication. It was a social club and the media essentially created it. Republican supported blacks because they could be reformed and "good christians."

In my own experience, my father was a good man struggling with a poor upbringing and also being labeled “white trash.” For those unfamiliar with the South, rich white people felt more virtuous helping blacks over whites. "White trash" was worse than being black to wealthy white people. They felt they deserved being poor. I would remind you that poor whites didn’t own slaves. They couldn’t afford them. Class is the issue in this country, not race. Race is weaponized to focus people’s attention away from real issues. The wealthy, both black and white, use class to hold their positions of power by using race as an issue.

I have never been in any “racist” organization. I have served my country. I served with Native Hawaiians, Samoans, Navaho, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Mexican’s and Iranians. The best man at my wedding was a Pakistani. I lived, worked and fought with many men of different races. I called many of them friends. Some I admired, some I didn't. I’m still white, I’ll always be white and can be proud of the struggle of my ancestors and heritage and acknowledge their successes and failures. I will never apologize for who I am or who they were. The only thing I can do is live my life. That’s the only thing I have control over. I don’t have to denigrate myself or my people to make anyone feel better, but I will not impede the progress of other people. One of the central tenants of European law is not punishing people for the sins of their fathers. I will not believe the monstrous lie that white men are inherently evil. All of mankind are social animals. Each group has a in group preference. This will never change. It cannot be eradicated. To assume it could, would be unrealistic and immature. The history of man, regardless of race, is violence. Not even religion can alter that. In fact, religion has caused more deaths than anything and governments primarily backed religious wars.

Here are a few facts that most people aren’t aware of. I know them because I read historical sources, not fiction. The media in this country is owned by 6 multinational corporations. They make money creating fiction because people want to be entertained. It’s a disservice to white and black people. The core issue of this country in the people are entertained to the point of perpetually being confused and live in a distorted world. It is by design.

Compelling stories are still just stories. 

  1. The Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery, it was fought over taxation and equal representative of Southern states. Slavery was an ancillary issue, but an important one. The south didn’t have the same representation because they had a lower population and were taxed at the same rate as northern states. Most textile factories were in the North, most farms were in the South.
  2. Most Southern plantation owners were extremely wealthy and less than 5% of the population.
  3. Most slave merchants were Jewish. Jewish sources themselves reveal that 70% of Jews sold slaves. In fact, slave auctions were not held on the Sabbath (Saturday) which was considered a Jewish holy day.
  4. Abraham Lincoln did not like blacks and intended to ship them off to Liberia. He considered them inferior whites. 
  5. I am not responsible  for slavery in any way, by simply being white. Neither are you.
  6. White people ended the practice of slavery because it violated their religious principals.
  7. White Abolitionists were murdered because they didn’t support slavery.
  8. White people in the south were at an economic disadvantage because the could not compete with wealthy plantation owners who could purchase slaves to perform labour. Thomas Sowell, a black professor of economics has written about this subject.
  9. Black men as well as Native Americans owned slaves. The first slave owner in the US was black. His name was Anthony Johnson. He won a legal case against the US government to own slaves “in perpetuity” as well as their descendants.
  10. People that colonized the US were volunteers under charter of English and French corporations. Colonies were sponsored and supported by private corporations owned by Nobility. The majority of people in Europe weren’t nobility. Many people were forced to come to the US because the were in debt. They were indentured to pay off that debt. The French forced prisoners to work, The Scottish “Highlanad Purges” forced Scotsmen out of the country. The Irish were forced to leave Ireland after the potato famine. Many of their homes were burned down. They didn’t own the land, they were tenant farmers. 
  11. The typical method of Europeans was forcing lower classes of white Europeans into servitude by removing them from Europe. Most ended up in the "New World." Most Europeans had no option in their native countries due to a rigid class based system that sought wealth and power over blood. 
  12. Many that fought the Civil War were drafted. Service wasn’t voluntary. The wealthy could pay a “substitute" to serve on their behalf if they received a draft notice. 
  13. White people are only majority in white countries. Globally, we are a minority. Caucasians make up less than 8% of the total world population. Putting a Chinese in the US doesn’t make them a minority anywhere but the US. Sixty percentage of the world population are Chinese or East Asian.
  14. On average, whites are not the highest paid in the US. Asians are better paid. How can we be more privileged than Asians if they are generally paid more and have more influence?

Here’s a rather unbiased article on the reality of lynchings from the Montgomery Advisor. Montgomery has the highest population of blacks in Alabama.

Statistically 324,000 U.S. blacks have been killed by other Blacks in a period of 35 years. That’s greater than the number of both black and white men that were lynched in the history of this country. That is a tragedy. Why? Broken families are the principal cause of violent men, regardless of race. It creates poverty. Young men don’t have a role model. There is no direction or hope. Why is rap music violent and misogynist? It’s a product being sold by wealthy music executives (most are Jewish, not white.) Music is magic, a repetitive phrasing. People in eastern religions use chants to change states of conscience with positive thoughts. Music can be used for negative reasons. Popular music can be unhealthy to people from broken homes. Who created the rap culture? Jewish music executives.

  1. Heart Disease kills more people in the US than guns. Nobody is attempting to ban potato chips or hotdogs. 
  2. More children die from drowning than gun violence. 
  3. More men die of prostate cancer than woman die of breast cancer. 
How you frame an issue determines the emotional impact it has on your state of mind. Not that breast cancer isn’t an issue, but heart disease still kills more people.

I’d ask that you don’t lump whites into this fiction that white men are responsible for all the worlds social evils. You should not be ashamed of being white. Neither one of us are responsible for events that occurred before we were born. There is nothing we can do to change history but learn from the mistakes of the past.

My family of origin is Germany and Scotland. Nobody in my family set foot in the US until the late 1890's. The Civil War and slavery ended 40+ years before their arrival. How are they responsible before they arrived and why should I express any guilt or remorse? The greatest influx of immigration to the U.S. was White Europeans. Over several generations they had families. The population increased 10 fold fro these people. Most livings Americans are descended from them and have nothing to do with the "Institution of Slavery."

If you chose to believe empty rhetoric, baseless facts and abandon logic over feelings then, as an adult you are bound to the consequences of your decisions. 

There are no laws in the US that require you to like or dislike anyone. There are only laws that prevent using violence against people. 

If a white or black woman kills another person of their own race is it less worse than a white woman killing a black woman or is it equally tragic? The media would have people believing the later is worse.

The greatest form of suffering is by being ignorant. The meaning of ignorance is “uneducated, untaught.” 

Don't be ignorant.


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