Drills and Events
The following is speculation on my part. I’m just amazed at the extremely coincidental attributes of the “lone gun active shooter” incidents. When things start showing signs of correlation there may be some basis in fact. This is just an exploration. A “conspiracy” is simply two or more people collaborating to conduct an (often illegal) event. They happen every day. A lot of active shooter incidents take place during previous scheduled active shooter drills. There’s generally a call for “crisis actors” in Craigslist, Facebook and the town where the drill is scheduled to occur. Here is one such call for a future scheduled “Active Shooter Drill” for Anniston, AL. Note that the majority of these mass shootings and attacks are always performed during a “drill” 911: Exercise of a hijacked plane, became actual. The London Bombings: Counter terrorism exercise was taking place. The Boston bombing: An announcement was made via twitter that a drill was taking place. Sandy Hoo...